Rasiglia and the former wool mill where all Maurizio Tonti collections are born
The main inspiration on which is founded the origin, history and style of “Rasiglia” collection designed by Maurizio Tonti lies just in this place, completely renewed and redesigned according to a new architectural project by two brothers Tonti
The former wool mill Accorimboni is a space full of history and past experiences, but at the same time it is innovative and contemporary harmoniously nestled in the natural environment of Rasiglia village.
Accorimboni space represents the childhood place of the designer who reacquired its in order to make it a symbolic and real epicentre for textile production and to bring back the Jacquard weaving in Rasiglia. Now the former wool mill become the place where artistic concepts and handmade creations inspired by Rasiglia with surrounding nature come to life.
Just the evocative landscape of this small village surrounded by water and untouched nature has made it possible that inspiration imprinted on artistic creations and on the fashion collection in silk and cashmere
The opportunity to take possession of a space in Rasiglia where they can recognise themselves, in fact, as users and inhabitants, has become for the two brothers a kind of aspiration, almost a reserved moral objective with regard to their own history and professional activity.
An opportunity to search for that thread of continuity with the life of their own family, their father and themselves who, at the height of their energies, can grasp its unrepeatable value and produce their unique artistic works, savouring the essence of places unaltered by time and dedicating their industriousness to those who gave them the opportunity to grow and realise their dreams.